Sukhvinder Kaur-Stubbs

Sukhvinder has spent over 30 years in the charity sector beginning as a school volunteer, helping Asian mums learn English in their homes. She spent 12 years as CEO of both the Runnymede Trust an equality think tank and the Barrow Cadbury Trust, a pioneering grant-making organisation. Alongside, she served over 20 years on public and private boards including Severn Trent Water and the Government's watchdog Consumer Focus. Currently, she is on Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust, Swan Housing Group, Chair of the Taylor Bennett Foundation and MD of Engage-Building Networks of Trust, a management consultancy specialising in community engagement, user involvement and co-production.

Strategy and policy development are core skills. As Chair of Volunteering England during the London Olympics, she maintained a position as strategic partner to the Cabinet Office and member of the Prime Minister's Giving Summit. She founded and was twice elected Chair of ENAR the equality network that mobilised almost 1M people across Europe to lobby for the adoption of the Equal Treatment Directive. As the UK nominated representative to the UN World Conference in 2001, she chaired preparatory meetings of global NGO's and worked with the High Commissioner to introduce National Action Plans. She's led inquiries on equality and inclusion for Birmingham City Council, the Royal Borough of Greenwich and for the Cabinet Office Better Regulation Taskforce. In 2004, she was a member of the Prime Minister's Group on Deprived Neighbourhoods, advising on voluntary sector priorities.

Behind the versatility and track record of delivery, is a strong background in community development. Driven by her own humble experience of growing up as a migrant in the inner city, Sukhvinder forged a new approach to unlocking social assets and building community capital. She implemented this at English Partnerships and went on to embed it at the Development Corporation and its successor, the Regional Development Agency.

Sukhvinder studied at Oxford, graduating with a top University prize. She is also an alumni of the London Business School and qualified in marketing and organisational development. She's been a regular commentator on TV/print and radio and thought-provoking speaker on diversity, identity and social mobility.