AAA Congress 14 & 15 May 2019
NatWest Conference Centre, 250 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4AA
Join a radical alliance of ‘unusual suspects’ forming large scale demonstrators
This year we are celebrating the AAA’s 5th anniversary. Once again it would be disingenuous to underestimate the scale of our challenge, or indeed the opportunity to move away from outmoded conceptions of age that will lead to a richer set of possibilities in later life.
But we still believe that a passionate group of like-minded individuals in the same room, talking the same language, sharing the same ideals, and committing to the same overarching goal, can transcend the barriers which generally impede progress.
We are grateful to Nick Howe and his team at NatWest for opening the bank’s brilliant new conference centre to our members. Thanks also to Regents Regeneration and Tata Steel, their generous support means we don’t have to charge you to participate in what promises to be our most action-packed star studded agenda yet. (Scroll down to view agenda)
Reference Framework for Age-friendly Housing and Neighbourhoods.
There is no shortage of innovation in the UK, and according to L&G, there is no shortage of funds for investment. What’s missing is a collaborative framework and a better understanding of the tools required to help government and local authorities support the needs of an ageing population.
To this end AAA has teamed up with the Royal Institution of Chartered Architects and have been working together to flesh out the key issues around which RICS will mobilise: creation of standards, guidance (for practitioners), thought leadership and best practice, towards creation of a 'Reference Framework for Age-friendly Housing and Neighbourhoods.'
Regenerating our Neighbourhoods for the Future
In his introduction to the AAA Tata Steel Neighbourhoods of the Future 2019 report, Tata Steel UK CEO Bimlendra Jha says: the "Key to this idea is the necessity of demonstrating, at scale, how such a community will work. Our ambition, as a collective, is to build a prototype Neighbourhood of the Future, the first of many, to prove the concept.”
To this end, May 14th & 15th we’ll look at a number of innovative projects, in various stages of readiness, which are in synch with the aims and aspirations of Neighbourhoods of the Future. We will explain how you may get involved and consider how this initiative dovetails with UKRI’s Healthy Ageing and Ageing Society Industrial Strategy Challenges.
The AAA Neighbourhoods of the Future consortia involves like-minded public, private and third sector stakeholders collaborating in a spirit of open innovation. If you think you’ve got what it takes, sign up today and help create a brighter future for our older selves.
If you would like to be in that room, take a look at the agenda below and register here.