AAA ISO Leaders Forum 2022: Speakers

Elena Balabanska
Urban Planner, Global Solutions Division, UN-Habitat
Elena Balabanska is an architect, urban planner and designer educated in the UK, Denmark, and Bulgaria. She has experience with different types of urban projects and across different scales of planning – from spatial analyses and city-wide strategies to masterplanning frameworks and public space design guidelines. Currently working at UN-Habitat’s Planning, Finance and Economy Section, she is developing methodologies and tools for sustainable and inclusive urban planning, including Our City Plans and the key outputs UN-Habitat’s Flagship Programme 1.

Alexander Berler
Director Consulting Services, Gnomon Informatics SA
Dr. Alexander Berler, has an MSc in Biomedical Engineering and a PhD in Medical Informatics. He previously worked at Information Society SA, responsible for large healthcare informatics projects of the Greek government. He has participated in multiple transnational eHealth consulting projects and is currently the Consulting Services Director at Gnomon Informatics SA, where he is promoting the use of international standards via the IHE Technical frameworks. Alexander is currently Vice Chair of HL7 Hellas, the Greek HL7 International Affiliate.

Lord Richard Best
Chair of the University of Oxford Commission on Creating Healthy Cities
Richard Best is an Independent in the House of Lords. He chairs the Oxford University Commission on Creating Healthy Cities; he is Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Housing and Care for Older People; he is a past Chair of Hannover Housing Association, The Property Ombudsman, The Affordable Housing Commission. He is a past President of the Local Government Association and current President of the Sustainable Energy Association. He was Chief Executive, Joseph Rowntree Foundation for 18 years.

Tore Borthen
MBA, Founder Condo Vita Norway
Tore Borthen is social entrepreneur in health care real estate, sustainable urban development, infrastructure advisory and investment business in clean energy. He holds an MBA from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania and has 40 years of experience from the investment industry as a visionary leader, investment strategist, and innovative financial architect.
Tore focuses on projects with a triple bottom line of social, financial and environmental sustainability.

Todd Brickhouse
President Brickhouse Design Group, USA
Todd Brickhouse is the Founder and President of Brickhouse Design Group (BDG). For over 40 years BDG has designed, and/or provided construction or construction management services, from architectural drawings to interior design, offering “turn-key” solutions for individuals who are physically challenged or ageing in place. By specifying bespoke solutions to meet individual needs Todd has made it his mission to enable BDG clients to live an independent, empowered life to the fullest.

Caroline Dove
Partner – HTA Design LLP, Author of Radical Housing
Caroline is an architect with over 35 years’ experience collaborating with communities to design sustainable places to live. A Partner at HTA Design LLP, she leads multi-disciplinary teams responsible for designing and delivering a wide range of community-led regeneration and renovation schemes, multi-generational living and housing for older people.
Caroline is the author of ‘Radical Housing: Designing Multi-generational and Co-living Housing for all’, and contributed to ‘Altered Estates 2’, AAA’s ‘Cultivating Neighbourhoods that Care’ and the Housing Forum’s ‘Older and Wiser’.

Dan Eades
CTO MyGlobalHome (MGH)
A multi-award-winning technologist, with a proven track record delivering innovative solutions and services into the global construction industry, Dan is leading development of MGH’s proposition, employing technology, data and AI with a view to delivering enabling solutions into every home not just the top end of the market. Dan is committed to optimising the power of technology in the home to support the needs of each occupant. A vision he is currently translating into reality.

Alexandra Eavis
Director ‘EMIS X’, designed to securely connect systems and deliver powerful data analytics to enable a new era of integrated healthcare
Alex is the Chief Product Officer for Digital, Data & Analytics at EMIS Group Plc, the UK's largest clinical system supplier with extensive market share across the healthcare economy. She joined EMIS through acquisition. having previously founded Dovetail Lab, a software company which developed a distributed e-consent and data sharing platform to pioneer better information sharing in healthcare by giving patients greater control of their medical data. Alex is also a member of TechUK's Health and Social Care Council.

Monique Epstein
Founder E-Seniors, a French non-profit NGO, aimed at fighting e-exclusion by offering ICT training to seniors
Senior Consultant, having an MA in computer sciences, Ms Epstein has strong expertise in application design, consulting services and project management. Starting her career as a Math teacher, going over to programmer and computer analyst, she designed and implemented RDBMS-based information systems and multimedia applications. Since 2004, she has created several non-profit organizations whose common aims are helping e-excluded people (seniors, disabled people and juniors) to get familiar with new technologies.

Stephanie Firestone
Senior Strategic Policy Advisor, International Affairs, AARP
Stephanie Firestone is a global thought leader advancing livable communities for all people of all ages and abilities. She is a Senior Strategic Policy Advisor with AARP International, where she leads Equity by Design. This initiative engages built environment professionals from around the world to incorporate aging and equity considerations in their work, regularly spotlighting and exploring replicable innovations through the Principles in Action case study and innovator interview series. Stephanie has an masters in urban planning.

Julia Glenn
Design Innovation Lead, Healthy Ageing Challenge Fund Innovate UK
Julia is the Design Innovation Lead for innovate UK’s Healthy Ageing Challenge. She began her career in investment banking, before transitioning to a social purpose business start-up where she was recognised as the University of East Anglia’s Graduate of Global Distinction (2018) for her award-winning efforts in humanitarian engineering and contribution to services for people with cognitive impairment. Julia is a director trustee for Citizens Advice (CADAT) and an associate tutor for the UEA (lecturing in finance and information systems).

Catherine Holloway
Professor of Interaction Design & Innovation, UCL, Cofounder of the Global Disability Innovation Hub
Cathy is the Academic Director of Global Disability Innovation Hub and Professor of Interaction Design & Innovation at UCL. Cathy authored the Global Report on Assistive Technology and sits on WHO Technical Advisory Group for Assistive Technology. Cathy has co-led GDI Hub to be the first WHO Collaborating Centre on Assistive Technology, with a project portfolio of over £40m, across 41 countries, reaching over 28 million people globally. Cathy has published over 100 papers in assistive technology and accessibility.

Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf
Secretary-General of the Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organisations
Evert-Jan Hoogerwerf is Director of the WeCareMore Centre for Research and Innovation of AIAS Bologna onlus in Italy and part of the SHAPES Project research team. He is further active at European and Global level as Secretary-General of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE) and the Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organizations (GAATO). He enjoys living in the “Bolognina”, the most multigenerational and multicultural neighbourhood of Bologna.

Nick Howe
Enterprise Team, Manager, Diversity in Business, NatWest Group
Nick Howe has spent 28 years working with businesses at various stages of their journeys for NatWest and as a result is in prime position to pass on the insights of what works and what doesn’t to the next generation of founders coming through. Nick has been a particularly passionate supporter of the Agile Ageing Alliance dating back to its inception in 2015.

Dipak Kalra
President The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data
Professor Dipak Kalra, PhD, FRCGP, FBCS, is President of the European Institute for Innovation through Health Data. He has led multiple European projects, and developed ISO standards, in EHR interoperability, data protection, business models and the reuse of EHRs in clinical research. His current R&D projects focus on the success factors for scaling up the trustworthy reuse of health data for research and learning health systems, and empowering patients through digital tools and better health information.

Monja Korter
Technical programme manager, standardization and technical policy, iso central secretariat
Monja is an expert in the international standardization process. She regularly provides training on ISO processes for National Standardization bodies and Technical Committee (TC) Managers, most recently in Rwanda and Zambia. Her current portfolio includes, TC 323 Circular Economy, TC 331 Biodiversity, TC 229 Nanotechnologies and TC 314 Aging Societies. Previously Monja served as Project Manager for Standards Australia for 11 years, overseeing and managing a national portfolio across many sectors.

Faith la Grange
Director Regional and Local Government Microsoft
Faith joined Microsoft in October 2018, and leads the Government team at Microsoft UK, supporting Central and local government and Housing customers in England, and all devolved government customers in Scotland and Wales. The team’s goal is to help Government organisations harness the benefits of technology and digital transformation to improve services to citizens. Prior to this, Faith worked for infrastructure services and solutions provider Computacenter, and has 25 year’s experience working with Public Sector organisations in the technology sector. Faith is passionate about diversity & inclusion and is the Public Sector D&I lead for Microsoft in the UK.

Rebecca Jarvis
Director of Operations, Health Innovation Network
Rebecca has a career working across health and social care organisations, leading large scale transformational change. Prior to a recent sabbatical to go travelling, she was the Director of Operations at the Health Innovation Network, the Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) for south London, an organisation focused on accelerating the adoption of innovation and best practice in the local health and care system. In 2019 Rebecca was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to research alternatives to institutional care for older people in Japan and New Zealand.

Dr Jianbing Liu
Director Service Engineering and Smart Health, The Beijing Academy for Science and Technology (BJAST)
For the past two years Dr Liu has been deeply involved in developing China’s national programme for age friendly communities. Founder of the Gerontechnology and International cooperation network at BJAST, Dr Liu is Professor, at the Institute for Smart Ageing and Director, Key Laboratory on Service Engineering and Smart Health for Seniors of BJAST. He is also a Council Member; China Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics and Council Member, Specialized Committee on Health care big data application assessment and protection of Chinese Health Information Association (CHIA).

Anne Livingstone
Director of Research and Projects, Global Community Resourcing Australia
Anne Livingstone has over 40 years in aged and community care service delivery and systems reform, as well as extensive experience in service design and business transformation in community settings. Anne has passionately advocated for the role technology will play in providing individually focused and responsive services, the promotion of more quality and reliable service provision, along with the needs of marginalized groups specially those individuals who experienced institutional care as children and are now ageing or ageing prematurely.

Calvin Luk
Spatial Team Leader, Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Luk leads translational research and implementation focused on “Double Ageing”, including Transitional Social Housing, Intergenerational Environmental Design, Therapeutic Landscape for Dementia, and Inclusive Design for People with Disabilities. As an Architect-Access Consultant and clinician, Calvin engages extensively in community and urban infrastructure projects, combining research and practice of Evidence, Universal and Salutogenic based Design, bridging building design and health.

Mac Maclachlan
National Clinical Lead for Disability Services HSE, (Irish Health Service)
Mac MacLachlan is Professor of Psychology and Social Inclusion, and Co-director of the ALL (Assisting Living & Learning) Institute at Maynooth University, Ireland. He is also the Clinical Lead for the National Clinical Programme for People with Disabilities (NCPPD) in the HSE (Irish Health Service). Mac is currently Research & Innovation Lead for WHO’s Global Collaboration on Assistive Technology (GATE) programme and the overall PI and Co-lead of the Smart & Healthy Ageing through People Engaging in Supportive Systems (SHAPES) project.

Sam Mauger
Chief Executive u3a, The Third Age Trust
Sam Mauger has worked for over 23 years in the areas of Health, Wellbeing and Voice with and for older people. Sam’s experience includes as CEO for Age UK London, Co-Chair of the Age England Association, Chair of City of London Healthwatch and Chair of the London Voluntary Sector Forum. Sam is a trained Mediator.

Alex Mitchell
Programme Manager: VOICE & Strategic Partnerships
Alex Mitchell is the Programme Manager for VOICE and Strategic Partnerships at the UK National Innovation Centre for Ageing. Alex is responsible for the operational management and international development of VOICE – an international citizen community dedicated to working with researchers and innovators to co-design new products, services, and initiatives to support healthy longevity across the life-course.

Paul Newman
Chief Executive, Greensleeves Care
Prior to Greensleeves Paul was Chief Executive of a national benevolent fund and Managing Director of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). Paul has extensive board-level experience across the health and social care sector. He is currently Chair of the UK Standards Committee on Ageing Societies at the British Standards Institution (BSI) -and heads up the BSI ISO Ageing Societies Committee, where he recently helped to author a new international standard on dementia-inclusive communities.

David Orr
Chairman, Clarion Housing Association
David Orr CBE: A highly acclaimed inspirational leader with over 30 years’ experience in Chief Executive roles, most recently at the National Housing Federation, having previously served as Chief Executive of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations.
David currently Chairs Clarion, together with the Canal and River Trust and co-Chairs #Housing 2030, a joint Housing Europe and UNECE study on affordable housing. A previous President of Housing Europe and a highly-regarded commentator and blogger, David excels in navigating the sometimes opaque world of politics and government.

Natalie Record
Ecosystem Director for Homes and Housing, Connected Places Catapult
Natalie supports the UK Housing Industry to harness data and innovation to overcome national housing and planning challenges. An Urban Planner by background, Natalie specialises in the digital transformation of the built environment sector with an interest in how human-centred design, innovation, policy, data, and sustainability can be leveraged to deliver better outcomes for people and places in UK and international contexts. Natalie previously led on Digital Housing and Planning Policy at the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

Alberto Sanna
Director, Life & Health Scientific Institute San Raffaele Milan Italy
Alberto Sanna is Director of The Advanced Technology in Health & Wellbeing research Center of Ospedale San Raffaele in Milano (Italy), whose mission is to design, develop and demonstrate the ethical, scientific, economic and technological feasibility of innovative personalized services aimed at promoting well-being and informed choices in daily life. The Center aims at lowering the invisible cultural, organizational, economic and environmental barriers that hamper stakeholders’ effort towards healthier, greener and fairer behaviours in everyday life, both for Individuals and business/social actors.

Teemu Santonen
Knowledge Intensive Business Services principal lecturer, Laurea University of Applied Sciences Finland
Dr. Teemu Santonen, Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) principal lecturer at the Laurea University of Applied Sciences Finland has led numerous open innovation and customer centricity projects in “health and wellbeing” and various other domains. He is a council member of European Network of Living Labs, a scientific panel member of International Society for Professional Innovation Management and is former board member of Finnish Strategic Management Society. In VITALISE he is focusing on Living Lab research and innovation procedures harmonization.

Sari Sarlio-Siitola
SHAPES Ethics Manager, Senior Lecturer Laurea University of Applied Sciences Finland
Mrs. Sari Sarlio-Siintola, MSc (econ); MSc (social ethics) has an extensive experience in the ethics work in R&D projects. Her key contribution is to examine ethical dimensions of the proposed solutions and, on that basis, guide the development work so that the results – services, products and/or operating models - are ethically and socially legitimate and sustainable. She is currently working as the Ethics Manager of the SHAPES project.

Simone Schmitz
Mrs. Simone Schmitz, graduate laser engineer, works as a foresight scientist at Fraunhofer INT. In the SHAPES project, she leads the project management for the SHAPES foresight exercises. 2011 she joined Fraunhofer INT as a laser engineer and set up a laser system. With the time she took over the management of irradiation projects. In 2020 she joined the team of corporate technology foresight. She has worked in the area of foresight over three years with the main focus on foresight methodologies and technological trend analyses.

Ian Sherriff
Academic partnership lead for dementia at the Faculty of Health:Medicine, Dentistry and Human Sciences University of Plymouth
Ian Sherriff lecturer/researcher, University Plymouth Faculty of Medicine, as its Academic Partnership Lead for Dementia. Ian’s work on dementia is widely recognised. He is an Ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Society, chair of the PM’s Rural Dementia Group, chair of the PM’s Dementia Air Transport Group, member of the PM’s Challenge Group for Dementia and was awarded the B.E.M for his global work on dementia. A trustee of BRAVO VICTOR/UK/USA /Blind Veterans UK, Ian is currently leading a Ukrainian/ UK, Alzheimer’s Europe, WHO Dementia Partnership.

Anderson Simfukwe
Executive Director Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Zambia
Anderson advocates for people living with dementia and Related disorders in Zambia and beyond. He is the founder of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias In Zambia |ADDIZ. Anderson works to demystify the narratives surrounding dementia patients as witches and wizards that secludes people living with dementia to alternative housing in the outskirts of the communities and advocates for family reunification as a way to build coexistence. He believe that the intersection between Dementia and Witchcraft is a concern of urgency.

Ian Spero
Founder: Agile Ageing Alliance (AAA)
An Honorary Professor at the UCL Bartlett School for Sustainable Construction, Ian is founder of the Agile Ageing Alliance (AAA), an international network of more than 2,000 cross-sector stakeholders. Operating at the cutting edge of R&D, Ian also serves as a Monitoring Officer for Innovate UK, the government’s innovation agency, supporting the development and commercialisation of game-changing solutions. A regular contributor to conferences, seminars, anthology and academic papers, Ian has received multiple awards and commendations across a distinguished career.

Janet Sutherland
Vice Chair of Peabody Trust’s Care and Support Committee
With over 30 years’ experience in housing and regeneration, in local government, housing associations, the voluntary and private sectors, Janet specialises in neighbourhood renewal, effective community engagement, urbanism and housing for older people. Janet is Vice Chair of Peabody Trust’s Care and Support Committee, and a Director of Groundwork South. She is on the Crouch End Neighbourhood Forum and chair’s the u3a national Future Lives Group. She was a Director of the Academy of Urbanism.

Nicole Thum
Manager Urban Mechanics & Special Projects Think City, Malaysia
Nicole specialises in ‘space activation’. Her work revolves around conceptualising and operationalising grants funded programmes, and local economic development. She currently oversees asset management and activation of the UAB building in George Town, Penang, which is a catalyst to the new Creative Digital District. In 2017, Nicole was selected to represent Malaysia in the highly competitive Young Southeast Asian Economic Development Leadership programme in the USA. Nicole is also a member of Placemaking Malaysia and Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industries.

Javier Torner
Programme Manager, UN-Habitat Global Solutions Division
Javier Torner is Urban Development Specialist at UN-Habitat and Coordinator of the UN-Habitat Urban Lab for Mexico and Cuba.
He leads UN-Habitat’s initiative “Our City Plans” a collaborative platform for urban thinkers and doers to develop customized participatory planning processes. As technical lead of UN-Habitat’s Global Programme “Inclusive and Vibrant Neighborhoods and Communities” he contributes to the Agency’s urban regeneration global portfolio for more inclusive and sustainable cities.

Erin Walsh
Director of Built Environment at Connected Places Catapult
Erin leads the Built Environment Directorate at CPC and has worked across private, public, academic and not-for-profit sectors on strategic planning, housing, urban regeneration, masterplanning and construction projects in the UK, India, Ireland and Jamaica. Erin has led large-scale change programmes, including the 'Innovation and Digitisation Strategy - Belfast Region City Deal' and CPC’s 'Homes for Healthy Ageing ‘. Her specific areas of expertise includes: Cities, Governance, Strategy, Urban Planning, Placemaking, Innovation, and Healthy Ageing.

Glenn Wilson
Project Director, Gensler Urban Planning Leader
Glenn is a qualified urban planner and designer with over 18 years’ experience planning and designing multigenerational developments both in the UK and internationally.
Within the UK he has been involved in numerous regeneration projects working in partnership with both the private and public sector. He has led complex master planning projects in collaboration with a diverse range of consultants; always with the aim of creating better places for people to live and work in.